Energy in a Changing World: The Webber Energy Group Presents!
The Webber Energy Group
The TxEEE Energy Technology & Policy (ETP) course led by Michael Webber and the Webber Energy Group in May 2024 once again delivered.
Participants were captivated over two days by the ambitious, fast-moving series of topics. The course registrants included Texas state agency representatives, energy journalists, private sector professionals and a delegation from Queensland, Australia. The Australian group shared an extensive report about their US mission. The Austin section of their report can be found here.

The course sparked robust discussions, often making connections between Texas to other parts of the U.S. and the rest of the world.
Beyond the knowledge gained, participants benefitted from networking opportunities, many side conversations, and laughter amongst our energy specialists. We are grateful to the Webber Energy Group instructors Michael E. Webber, Emily Beagle, Yael Glazer and Josh Rhodes for their unique, invaluable knowledge they bring to this TxEEE course.
For future offerings of this course, please email